IBM’s Smarter Workforce: Hype or Not?

Having spent the last decade mainly in workforce management technology, it shouldn't be surprising that I followed the IBM acquisition of Kenexa last year with great interest.  While many of my colleagues had a What on Earth? sort of reaction, my reaction was a toss-up between It was inevitable and This could be interesting.  It … Continue reading IBM’s Smarter Workforce: Hype or Not?

What Does Web 2.0 Mean to HR?

Have you ever heard a new acronym or buzzword and you tell yourself, hmm, guess I'll have to read up on that, and then you actually do read up on it--I'm talking about some real, serious, research, mind you--and you find yourself scratching your head and wondering, what on Earth does that really mean?  I … Continue reading What Does Web 2.0 Mean to HR?